upside down gospel....

Lately, I find the Lord showing me examples of the upside down and inside out gospel.....the last becomes first, the greatest least, etc.  It started with Palm Sunday where the preacher in Minneapolis talked about this.  Jesus was to be "King of the Jews" but he washed the disciples feet.....and many more examples.  This morning, my devotion said something else about the upside down gospel......we think the great is great but really, in God's economy.......the "least of these" are His most precious and cherished.......

Claire came in to talk tonight after dance, after work, after a long day at school.  She told me about her bible exam and the content of the Beatitudes......blessed are the meek, the poor in spirit, etc.  She originally wanted to go on a great mission trip this summer, but the more we discuss it, the more it seems that God wants her to mission and serve right here at home.....learning about local missions and ministry.  I promised her I would help her be intentional about a summer of missions and ministry.  In her words, "I don't just want a summer of hanging out in the hot tub, mom.  I want to do something meaningful this summer."  amen, sista.  The upside down gospel sometimes says you don't go somewhere far away and rather exotic to serve.....sometimes you dig deep and learn to serve at home.

I don't have a nice singing voice.  I don't sing in choir or on praise team.  This morning, as I "devoted"....which doesn't look like morning devotions in a sun room with my bible and journal and steaming mug of coffee *(gosh, that sounds lovely)...... My morning devotions sometimes look like silence in my car, or prayer in the shower, or singing with a you tube video as I write up some work I "devoted" while I emptied the dishwasher and cleaned up breakfast after the family left for the day.  It is Isaac's job this week, I know, but I showed some grace.....and a need to have it cleaned up before 9pm.....and just did it myself.  As I worked in the kitchen, the air was quiet and the house was peaceful....and I began to Jesus.

I made up my song, thinking about who my Lord is, and how wonderful He is.....and as I stacked dirty dishes and wiped the counters and I took out the trash and picked up dirty clothes from the floor I sang and I sang....verse after Him.  The upside down gospel says that a middle age working mom is allowed to praise and worship and do morning devotions in her kitchen on a Thursday morning while she tends to housework.  Amen.  and Amen.

I had a full day today.  Not all of it was giving and serving as the bible tells us to.....but much of it was.  I like living the upside down gospel.  I like letting God design my days, and the days of my children, too.  Tonight, Roger is away at bedtime tending to his own upside down gospel work......and I cannot say more than that.....but just like God himself......surprises and smiles and laughter and goodness will follow.  


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