The path to Christmas......

'Twas the day before Christmas and all the the house, the children and puppies were wreaking havoc and choas in the excitement and anticipation of holiday celebrations.......and dad was at the office trying hard to be productive.....and mama was at the coffee shop appearing to be charting but really eavesdropping on conversations all around!

As I get older, the people in coffee shops who are half my age seem to have it all figured out.  They have all the answers, and abundant confidence in their philosophy......and I remember that once I was that girl as well.

Self-righteous indignation at the stupidity of so many things, and the obtuse way of looking at the world that was so inept.....etc, etc.

Age and time and life experience are great teachers if one positions him or herself in a place of humility and learning.  As life goes on I know less and less and have fewer answers to all of the problems of the world.  With each year I am blessed to look closer in the present and focus less on the future, and when I do look back, it can be with tenderness and gratitude.

I should maybe just leave the coffee shop with all the answers to philosophy and religion, and go home where chaos and crisis and crazy living happen.  That is my reality, and my joy and my purpose and my answer.  Day after day, moment by moment, putting one foot in front of the other and trying to stay on the path that the Lord layed before me.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight."  Proverbs 3:5,6.  


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