to eat an elephant.....

It is really great to be home!  The bathroom feels huge....the pool is refreshing....and best of all....we were missed.  Even tho it was only 2 weeks I have received several texts and messages saying how much I was missed and how happy folks are that we are home.  One of Claire's friends gave me a big hug and said, "Mrs. Kredit....I missed you!  I had no where to go while you were gone!"......makes my heart warm and fuzzy to know that I am loved and that my home is a welcome place for kids and grown ups!

I didn't expect to feel so exhausted today. I don't think I anticipated how much of a toll this trip took on my body, mind and spirit.  It was awesome and I would do it all over again.....but I'm kinda old.....and I'm worn out!  I spent much of the day doing laundry and packing things away and sorting and unpacking the camper.  Let me just say.....unpacking the camper is a thankless, aweful task.  Blech.  I'm less than half way done with it at 9pm on Sunday night....and tomorrow we hit the floor running again into busy family life.

I've heard the phrase" the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time...." I think I'll eat this elephant a little bit every day for a week or so.  


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