putting me in the picture.....on a Saturday night....

I took this photo in Washington at the bible camp.  It was early morning on the day we would leave the reunion.  I took some time with my cup of coffee and my camera and my Lord and prayed my walk around the beautiful gardens.....There was the entrance gate, shrouded with leaves and vines....and the stone path, and the 2-person swing in the distance and it was as if the Lord Himself was saying something like this.

"Come through this narrow gate and walk this path and when you see a place to rest, sit with me.  Rock and sway and breathe deeply and notice the beauty all around you....feel the warmth of the sunrise and the wet dew on the grass....hear the birdsong and the laughter of family.....smell the amazing flowers.....see the beauty of my world....taste the wonder of this created world and the anticipation of more wonderful things to come.....

Today, I'm not at the bible camp in Washington.  I'm home with my busy family and my job and my home.....and still....the Lord summons me to walk with Him through the narrow gate, and rest and swing and notice and feel and listen and breathe deep and see and taste all that He prepares for me each day.

Tonight I am tired....very tired.  I've been on my feet all day.....and I need a shower but I'm too tired.  Instead I am just laying here in my big comfy bed with my little Josiah.....and the house is mostly quiet.....if for just a moment.....but when I see this picture I can still summon the energy to walk through the narrow gate even now.....


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