as seasons change....

wow.....we have had an awesome summer.  It's been a long, full, warm, beautiful season....and I am grateful for it, and give homage to it.....and bless it.  We grilled alot and swam alot and went to parks. We did alot of baseball.  We had an amazing vacation....we are tanned and we are relaxed and we are restored.  Our family had a great summer.

I savored every taste of summer as if it was Christmas dinner.  Every day that we slept in and ate hot dogs and chips for lunch, every bonfire, every evening we stayed up late....felt summer-worthy.  ..I worked as little as possible to still keep my job and I enjoyed sunshine and children and ham sandwiches on bleachers at baseball.....and lots of lemonade......I tried hard to have hugs and eye contact and meaningful conversation with each of my children and a few extras and my husband as many days as I could....and I think I did pretty well. I write every 3 months......the season is changing......and its ok.

Tonight, the windows are open and the breeze is cool.  Oh how I love a cool breeze coming in the bedroom window.  Precious just squashed herself between Josiah and I.  Joe is asleep.  I am trying to relax......and dad just told her that "when school starts you won't sleep in our bed anymore"

if only

Precious is really ways that are not obvious.....but exhausting.  She starts kindergarden next week and will finally be away from me for 7 hours a day, 4 days a week.  I'm meeting her teacher in the morning to discuss this......and I'm not gonna lie......I'm really looking forward to 28 hours of someone else being with her.  I know that sounds harsh but its real.  She exhausts me.

In a week, my house will be empty of children for 28 or more hours a week and if I choose to come home for lunch I can make food for only me.  If I choose to not work, I can be in my own house alone.  If I choose to work from home it will be quiet.  Finally.  After 3 months.  I love having a large family and I love having kids at home but I also love solitude and silence and some peace and quiet and order.  It's one week.

I may still have to manage bus stops and violin and cello and dance lessons and football practice and dance team and homework and my job, ..but for at least 28 hours a week, thanks to awesome daycare and house can return to being my sanctuary.  Violetta will come and bless it on August  25 after the kids leave for school....and then we will do autumn for a few months......

more to come on that as seasons change


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