big day tomorrow
This feisty little girl has a birthday tomorrow. She cannot wait. Turning 6 is a really big deal. She's not a baby any more....she grows more complex and sophisticated and interesting with every year she lives. I cannot fathom life without this child. She replaced anything empty or meaningless in my life with a yearning and seeking and loving I would have never known without her. Cannot wait to celebrate her life tomorrow on her special day......hope you find it to be a happy, happy birthday Precious Maryn Kredit. I love you more than any words I can ever find to write. Enjoy sleeping downstairs with the boys tonight. It was good of them to say "yes" to your request. Hopefully I can find something to wrap your gifts in before you wake up. I could have sworn I had a roll of happy birthday wrapping paper in the hall closet.....but no. such. luck. Anyway. Tomorrow's gonna be great cuz its all about you, babe. Claire snuck a balloon bouquet home without you seeing it tonight. She chose the balloons and made the arrangement at work all for you...with her own money. Josiah saw the balloons in the car and was able to keep the secret from! This family....your family.....loves you desperately. Sleep well in your last night being 5.....see you when you are 6 in the morning, love. 
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