gonna try changing how we eat.....in a tasty way
On vacation.....travelling around the country in a motor home, we ate alot of junk food. We had chex mix and chips and candy and sodas and processed things I cannot even admit to.....at the reunion the food was amazing.....at Lois and Dale's we ate healthy, whole foods like shrimp and salmon straight from the freakin ocean 5 miles away.....but in between those stops it was alot of crunch and munch. No one (and I mean.....no one......) complained. This week at home, Roger was gone for work and kids were busy and I had extra daycare kids so I cannot say that we totally fixed the problem.....but we are in the process of fixing this problem. Tonight, we are grilling chicken that is not breaded....with fresh lime and jalepino pepper and honey and garlic.......and I did a rice that was white and brown together (entering into healthy eating slowly)......with sauteed fresh zucchini, tomato, onion and pepper......and I'm sipping California wine.....we still have Barq root beer in the fridge for Isaac and his buddies who are sleeping over....but I'm not touching it. I want to buy and consume more whole food that is good for me.....I won't have access to all the amazing food we had on the pacific northwest but still.....I can do the best I can with what I've got, right? 
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