change for SCH

I collected change this summer for my friends in India at Sarah's Covenant Homes.  Lots of friends and family gave me baggies and jars and cups of change to send and this morning we finally sent the check.  $500.00!  My first collection was $300....and the second was $400.....and even a month ago, there was $500 in the account but I was just busy and didn't get a check to the bank until today when Roger helped me do it online.  Thank you so much to everyone who is contributing to this effort!  It is a quiet little ministry here in Iowa.....but when I send a check to India.....sometimes it pays for part of a medical bill for a child who was previously orphaned but now has a home at SCH.  Sometimes it pays a school bill.  Sometimes it pays for food.  Yes.  Food.  Pennies can do that.  

God watched me begin the process to adopt our first non-bio child 7 years ago and while we were praying and planning and preparing for her, He led me to this ministry.  Sarah Rebbavarapu is following the Lord's assignment for her life and rescuing children who have special needs in India and bringing them into a Christian family of caregivers.....with the hope that one day many if not all will be adopted into Christian homes.  God likely knew that I could not ever bring one of her kids home....but He let me try.  He used our adoption journey for Precious and grow a deep and lasting love and commitment to this effort.  There are over 100 kids in her care.  Special needs kids need surgeries and medicines and diapers and wheelchairs and special helps to do life.  These kids are fulfilling the plan God ordained for them....and maybe for us......part of the for them.  It's not glamorous or exciting to collect change.  It's not trendy or popular to give sacrificially to a child who may never thank you or even know you exist......but it may just be the Will of God that we do it anyway.  These are His children.  This is true religion......and if you feel compelled to write big checks then do so!  If you cannot or choose not to.....would you please continue to collect your spare change for them?  Its almost apologetic to ask for just your change....because these kids are worth so much more.....but I figure if nothing else......God can multiply it like loaves and fishes for His Kingdom.  I hope to return to India at some point, and hold these kiddos again and talk with Heidi, the child we send monthly sponsorship for these days.  She has Down Syndrome.....she is delightful.  I hope to continue to partner with my friend Sarah Reb who does not live a comfortable life because God moved her heart for these kids.  Now that we sent the money, I expect that God may give me a new idea to help raise money for SCH.....that's how it has gone so far...but if not......and you follow the blog.....just read and know that they continue to need help.  


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