
3 weeks ago we were in this beautiful church, in Mendocino, California with my sis in law and her hubby.  She had offered to just do church at home in case we were too tired of travelling....but Claire insisted we should go to church and worship.  She happened to have a few new outfits along she had not gotten a chance to wear.....(she is an amazing and very spiritual girl, but I think this was more about wardrobe and experience this time.  We all gut up and dressed and were early to church even.  We got to meet their new pastor, a young guy from the east coast who challenged us to dare to wonder at the imagination of God as well as the power of God as we consider His ability to amaze and challenge us......and Claire went to teen church and met a cute surfer dude named Tyler.....and they swapped phone numbers.  Cuz.  That's vacation, ya know?  After church, we girls went out for lunch and a bit of shopping and they guys went to scope out the beaches and get wet suits.  We spent that Sunday 3 weeks ago watching the tide come in and the sun set and I felt like someone else entirely for a small bit.  

This week, we were back in our home church with all of our familiar people and our familiar style of worship and it felt like home, and very familiar....and although vacation is lovely, there is really no place like home.


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