a rhythm of prayer restored......

Prior to vacation, I mentioned that I was hoping to find back my rhythm of prayer on this trip.  As with all vacations, there are great expectations and high hopes and dreams and resolutions....at least its true for me.  Our first vacation day was just plain aweful.  We blew a tire an hour from home....and it took an hour or more to fix it.  I deflected several calls/texts from a client in crisis......then a few hours later the air conditioner in the RV stopped working.....on the hottest day of summer.   We found a place to pull over and get that fixed too, before we even left South Dakota!  A third time, the air quit working and I was rolling a can of chilled pepsi on my neck, laying on the floor of the camper......bouncing around.....thinking to myself, "what have we done?!"   I texted my mom and asked her to pray.  Claire texted her youth group pastor and asked him to pray.  (:))  Roger prayed.  I had a good cry.   Roger fixed the air the second time....and  we made it to our first campground after a 10 hour day.  I thought I couldn't stand to ride one more mile.  (Little did I know then that more days than not would be 10 hours in the camper!).......

Day 2 started out with fresh baked cinnamon rolls, yes, I used the camper stove for the first time!  and very good coffee.  A vacation must, if you ask me.  We drove and drove and went up and up and up into the mountains of Wyoming.  This photo shows us at the tippy top of a mountain in Wyoming.....can you see we are shivering?  It was so cold up there!  It may have been there or just before or just after that I found back my rhythm of prayer.


I began to praise God for His amazing provision and timing and attention to detail.  Every time there was a problem, the solution was literally at the next exit.  Roger was prepared and smart and even-tempered and I found myself thanking God over and over and over.  Day 2 also reunited us with Isaac and Jeremiah who had been with G and G Kredit in Platte, SD for the week.  This photo shows our grateful, reunited, chilly family as we started our Road Trip 2015.......and the smiles are real.  

Even now, as I look at it, I feel abundantly, overwhelmingly grateful.  My prayer rhythm is thusfar intact. 


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