4 Calling Birds

 On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 4 calling birds, 3 french hens, 2 turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree......see now you are singing it too aren't you?!

The 4 calling birds are said to represent the 4 gospels of the new testement.  Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.  All 4 gospels share mostly the same stories of Jesus birth, life, and death.  Each author shares their own perspective of the stories....because perspective matters.  

Synonyms for perspective are the following:  angle, aspect, attitude, context, mindset, prospect, viewpoint.  

What is my perspective with 10 days left until Christmas?  What angle will I take to approach the next 10 days?  What aspect of this advent season will I take with me into December 26 and ultimately into the next new year?  What is my attitude at home?  At work?  When I am faced with challenges and adversity?  

If something makes me sad and frustrated, like hearing about Josiah's day today made me feel....can I keep it in context and not carrying to past hurts and traumas and issues with some of my other kids?  How do I find my perspective here....and not pull the trigger on feelings that were already resolved?(  tweens and young teens can be so mean and aweful to eachother.....it was just this time last year that we were aching through all the same stuff with Precious and now Josiah....)

How do I reset my mind and draw near to a healthy mindset about the things that prickle and hurt and make my mama Bear spirit flare up?  What is the prospect that all the same things will happen for him that Precious had to deal with last year?  How can I find a healthy mindset moving into the last 10 days of advent up until December 25?  

Jesus, help.  Help me to have a healthy and genuinely Christ-like perspective as I parent my children, do my job, care for my home and loved ones and face all the challenges of the day.  Protect us, Lord, from the flaming arrows of the evil one who seeks to steal and kill and destroy all that is good in us and good for us.  Be near, Immanuel, God with us.  Thank you.  Thank you for coming to earth to live and to die for us, so that no matter what our perspective may be, you will be steadfast and you will tell the story like the 4 calling birds.....from every perspective.  


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