I Am Not Alone - Kari Jobe - Worship Video with lyrics
I was awake early this morning before the rest of the household began to stir....except for Claire who had just left at 6am for early dance team practice. I sat in the silence of my morning and began to pray for my children by name, and my husband, and our home, and whatever else came to mind: friends, family, relationships, activities........and then the household of humans and dogs began to move around. Lights came on....showers started.....talking.....singing....and some crying. Mondays are always hard. Precious, especially, woke up on the wrong side of her brain again today and it was pretty nasty here this morning, trying to get her regulated and to school on time. I'm so glad I started with prayer before she woke up. Note to self.......do this again tomorrow.
After feeding the nest of birds here and taking Grace to the bus stop, Josiah to daycare, Precious to school because she decided last minute she couldn't ride the bus, and wishing my boys well as they waited for the bus, I drove home listening to worship music and was moved to a deeper sense of the Presence of God in my midst. Once home, I turned on the local Christian radio station and worshiped and scrolled facebook and prayed some more......then I got on you tube for more specific worship songs and when I heard this song by Kari Jobe I was struck by a fresh insight.
I am not alone. God goes before me and God will never leave me. In my praying and in my singing and in my worshipping and in my laughing and in my crying and in my learning......I am not alone. The God I know is alive. He lives. He listens. He moves on behalf of his people when we pray and when we seek Him. In this moment of fresh understanding, I am reminded that I am praying to a living, present Diety and because He lives, and because He knows us so well.......I can have assurance that God will take care of me and all that matters to me......and I don't have to worry. He's got this. So. Lets do this. Lets do this Monday, the last day of August and lets do a full week of work and school and busy life......but lets remember that we are not alone. Ever.
After feeding the nest of birds here and taking Grace to the bus stop, Josiah to daycare, Precious to school because she decided last minute she couldn't ride the bus, and wishing my boys well as they waited for the bus, I drove home listening to worship music and was moved to a deeper sense of the Presence of God in my midst. Once home, I turned on the local Christian radio station and worshiped and scrolled facebook and prayed some more......then I got on you tube for more specific worship songs and when I heard this song by Kari Jobe I was struck by a fresh insight.
I am not alone. God goes before me and God will never leave me. In my praying and in my singing and in my worshipping and in my laughing and in my crying and in my learning......I am not alone. The God I know is alive. He lives. He listens. He moves on behalf of his people when we pray and when we seek Him. In this moment of fresh understanding, I am reminded that I am praying to a living, present Diety and because He lives, and because He knows us so well.......I can have assurance that God will take care of me and all that matters to me......and I don't have to worry. He's got this. So. Lets do this. Lets do this Monday, the last day of August and lets do a full week of work and school and busy life......but lets remember that we are not alone. Ever.
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