worst holiday ever

4 more hours and Halloween is over for another year.  Yep, I do actually count down the hours.  I don't want to make a federal issue out of it, mostly because the darkness of it doesn't deserve that much media attention.....but the day is just a burden to me.  Spiritual warfare is as real to me as dinner on the table and conversation with friends.  The demons would love to make us think that they aren't so bad......by dressing our cute kids up as evil horrific beings on Halloween and going out to beg for candy.  Blech.

Because I have this attitude, my kids never get cute costumes.  The early years, when they want to go trick or treating are painful because they don't look "fun".  well.  yeah.  They don't because I hate this holiday and don't want to invest my creative energy, time or money on it!  I set out a bowl of candy every year.....this year not one child came to the door.  There you have it.

Roger saved the moment when Precious was unhappy and dissatisfied with her options in the costume box.....and I was apathetic and just wanted to vacuum the freakin floors so that this saturday night, the house would feel clean and tidy.....he helped her put on last year's dance hip hop costume one more time and they went to get candy at the mall.....and a pizza.....

I do understand the history of the day with Day of the Dead and All Saint's Day......but the battle to trudge through contemporary spooks and horror to get to either one of those requires more energy than I have right now.  Its just a yucky holiday and its almost over for another year.  3 of the 5 kids and also Grace, don't really like Halloween......if I can get them all on the same page we can just skip the entire thing one of these years. 


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