.....to stand.

I visit lots of teen moms in the community health work that I do.  We discuss parenting and education and relationships.  We talk about nails and holidays and guys......Teen moms are something else, really.  Today I stopped by to chat with one of my teen moms that I have known for a long time, long before she became a teen mom.  She is graduating from High School this week.  In fact, she finished her classes today.  She was looking smart and cute in her leather boots and leggings and plaid shirt with her curly hair tied back and her freckles......her daughter was toddling around her parents' home where they live.  Her husband was in the family room on the couch watching tv with other relatives.  She's barely 18.  I'm so stinkin proud of her.  She fought against all odds to finish her high school education and breastfed her child for over 18 months.  She supported her husband and defended him to employers and lawyers when he got hurt on the job and, since he is undocumented, was not granted the proper insurance help.

I stopped by because she invited me to her graduation party and I thought I'd save her a stamp.  I also attended her 15th (a Mexican tradition)....and I watched her and her friends present a play they had written and rehearsed when they were just little girls.  Today I asked her what her plans were for the future.  She said something like this:  "I'm considering pre-law.  I want to stand up for something and not just lean.  I've been leaning and its time to stand."


This teen mom has been leaning and feels called to stand.

Lets all stand.  For something.  Anything.  Orphans.  The persecuted church.  Human trafficking.  Developing countries.  War veterans......the list goes on and on.  If she feels called to stand, then I challenge everyone else to listen up and wait for a call, too.

I've been called.  I know what I stand for.  It is my hope and prayer that I can impart this to my children and someday they, too, will know that for which they stand.  Thanks, my sweet teen mom.  Thanks for reminding me and inspiring me and making me smile as I left your home today.  You already stand to me.


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