change is showing up in bathrooms folks

I was in my bathroom this morning and saw a quarter on the floor.  I looked at it and thought to like ever since I started collecting change for Sarah's Covenant Homes, I seem to find it everywhere!  Maybe God is depositing coins around my house now, just so I will find them for his special kiddos in India!  I stood at the sink and looked at my tired self in the i .  I pulled at my eyes, you know how we women do....and practiced a smile.  Then a frown.  I checked my teeth.....and then looked down as I washed my hands and there was another quarter.  2 quarters in the bathroom first thing this morning!


Join this effort.  Please?  These very real children living on the other side of the Earth need medical care and food and clothing and education and love and prayer......and our money.  Many of us already have a charity or a passion for something and I'm not asking that you replace it with what weighs heavy on my heart......I'm just asking for your change.  Pennies, nickles, dimes......lift the couch cushions, clean out the car.  Switch purses!  Keep a jar by the laundry room and when change rattles out in the dryer collect it for SCH!  I started with pennies and what I could find before I vacuumed one saturday and now I find quarters in my bathroom in the morning.  God does stuff like that if He thinks its a worthy cause.


I will keep asking and can call me or stop by with your jars and bags of change or you can go to American State Bank in Sioux Center, Iowa.  If you go through the drive through, tell the clerk that you want to make a deposit in to one of Nikolyn Kredit's checking accounts that is the India Project one.  They should be able to find it.

If you live far away and cannot drive through......send.....a.....check.  American State Bank, Sioux Center Iowa....Nikolyn Kredit's third checking account for the India Project.


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