ask some questions.....

Tonight, I talked to my second teen a bit.  I told him about having a hobby, a passion, a focus.....and that it can be the difference between just living every day, and having the days all run together as the same, versus really living every day with purpose.  I urged him to consider what might get his heart beating faster.....what we could say, "This is Isaac and he......."  as something that defines him.  I gently explained to him that school and UTube and xbox were  not enough.  God created him for more than this.....and I didn't care what his thing was, as long as he found a "thing".

I asked if he understood what I was getting at and he said that he did.

A bit later, we called him up for dinner.  It was tacos and nachos....weekend comfort food.....and casual tonight because Claire is out being social and Jeremiah is with a friend.....and we were busy today.  Isaac turned to me in the kitchen and said, "Food".  Pardon?  "Food, mom".  "My thing is food."


How awesome is that?  "Yes, Isaac!  That makes sense!  You come from a long line of foodies....your grandparents and great-parents and aunties and uncles all relate with food!"  I asked a complicated question of my 13-year old boy, and he gave me a simple and spot-on correct and exciting answer.  My kid's thing is food.

We can do food.  We can celebrate Isaac and nurture him and teach him and help him grow into the best he can be with his love of food.....I can take him grocery shopping and his dad can teach him to grill and we can bless others with meals and treats.....he can gift people with food.....he can find worth and validation in the blessing of we will start here.

I'm so glad I asked him.


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