a bit on mothering.....from the tired mama...

I had a lovely day yesterday for Mothers Day.  Our church did a good job of recognizing moms but the pastor was also really good at pointing out the hard things with mother's day.....and then we went for Sunday Brunch with Roger's parents and my mom.....so we all stuffed ourselves and then walked around looking at Dutch tulips for awhile as the little kids played in the park.  I took a nap in the afternoon which was kinda fun but kinda dumb because then I couldn't sleep at bedtime.  I lost my birthday gift yesterday....or Saturday night maybe.  I got a fitbit and I was lovin it and I lost it.  Grrrr.

Roger made sure I didn't have to cook all day and I enjoyed a day of less and of presence with my family.  Mindfulness.  Have you heard of it?  It's all the buzz in my world.  Be mindful and present in whatever you are doing.  I did some of that yesterday.

Being a mom means that Today I woke up in a panic mode because it is the middle of May.  Summer break is coming soon and I do look forward to the break from the onslaught of emails and calender events with school......but trying to lock in a summer plan has its own stressors.

Being a mom means that I want my children to have a full experience in the school year and in summer and for me, that means letting them do whatever sport and activity is timely and interesting to them.  They will sort out what they like best eventually.  Unfortunately when there are lots of kids, that gets a bit tricky.  I want to be home more in the summer and work less......but there is so much work to do in my job... so being mom is the balance of that.

Being a mom means making sure everyone gets to their activities, and gets fed and has clean clothes.  It also means making eye contact with each member of the family.....and showing physical affection with a hug, a hand held in the car, a back rub.  It's alot.  Being mom.

Being mom means making sure the teen boys have their black pants and shoes and white shirts for the choir concert this week, and that we get Claire's hip hop pants taken in, and communicate with her new boss when she can and cannot work in June.  It means scouring the house this morning looking for something with the letter "z" for letter bag in transitional kindergarden and bumming a diaper and wipes from my sitter on the way to soccer.  It means making a dozen subs at 3pm and then making supper at 7.  It means waiting up until the mattress pad is washed and dried to make the bed.......and picking up a dead squirrel in the yard with the pooper scooper.

Being a mom means that everyone pays attention when mom falls apart and mom doesn't fall apart when everyone needs help.  (put that on a bumper sticker, wontcha?"  I'm not falling apart....I'm just sayin.

Being a mom is life and living and glory to God.  I don't do it well most of the times but I have some really good moments.....like Candyland with Precious tonight, waiting for the soup to be ready......and....and....and......oh you get the point.  I'm sure there was something else.

Bless you, bless you, bless you to the mothers of the world.  This is hard work that we do.  This is good work that we do.


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