Mama Niki! ? Sure, why not! is an important ministry to me.  I did a blog there tonight.....and have some Katelyn's Fund shirts in the back of my car if anyone wants some.  This organization provides support and grants for adoption.  If you want to hear my thoughts about "Gotcha Day" I wrote them out there.  


Not here. different.  This blog is about how to make God bigger and me smaller....because without Him, I am irrelevant.  With life matters.  Anything that is good in me is from the Lord.  Period.  I get no credit.  I tried it once with out Him and it was a crash and burn.  

So what is it now?  It's raising a generation of kids who Know the Lord.....Trust Him....don't hide behind pride.....and seek Christian people who will help.  That's really what it is.  I don't know how to make that for now it is just in the daily stuff of life.  Giving a hug.....sending a text....offering to help, etc.  

My children, all 5 of them, know the Lord.  That's a start.  They have friends......some of their friends call me "Mama Niki".....and you know what?  I love that label!~  I see a big mama.....bigger than I need to be but whatever....who loves people and has an open door and will always show up.  Always.  To help.  Today it was in the rain with 3 teens who were preparing to travel across town in the back of a pick up truck to get to the local family's home and shower and change for Tulip Festival.  I happened to be pulling up to find my kid and give her some money for the weekend....and they piled in and I moved them across town.  One friend said this:  "Mama Niki to the rescue!"......I like that.


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