the no picture recap of the last day of school

So, today I am noticing a theme on social media.  Moms are posting the first day of school and last day of school pics side by side.  I'm thinking......jeesh.  Did I even get a first day of school pic?  And the last day of school?  Well, Claire's last day was last friday and she was wiped out.....slept about 15 hours that night.  No photo.  Precious had her last day of TK on Wednesday and went to school in tears because she said, "I'm not ready mom!" photo there.....

Today the boys finished.  I picked Isaac up an hour before school was done to go to his first baseball game of the season.  Our public school won't let him play with the local team because is isn't enrolled there....but he is welcome to join a team in 2 different towns that have Christian high schools.  Our Christian grade school doesn't have a football or  baseball we have to go out of town for those sports.  Ridiculous.  More ridiculous yet is that the coach forgot to notify us 2-3 Sioux Center moms that the game was cancelled due to rain.  But did tell all the kids from the town of the I got to ride around some dinky little town with Isaac in the rain, and my littles crying in the back seat cuz they didn't want to go watch baseball.....and Jeremiah got off the bus after his last day of school with no parent there to greet him with smiles and hugs. Lovely.

So this is my photo.  


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