It's "Gotcha day"

Today is May 23.  Two years ago, I went to a meeting in the morning and learned that Josiah and his first mama were in trouble.  I started to pray and ask God to help them and to make sure Josiah would be safe, whatever God chose to do with his precious little life.....and by 5pm, the DHS worker was bringing him to my home.  We were willing to love him and help him and comfort him.....and that night, as I held him and and listened to him jabber and tell his story, I clay to the potter.  God used us that day, to help Joe and his birth mom.  We borrowed some formula, went to Walmart late at night for Batman pajamas and bottles and diapers and clothes and more formula......set up the pack n play......and hauled out the baby toys.

I sheepishly called my parents and a friend or two and said something like this:  We have a baby here.  We don't know how long he will be here but for now, he is here.

Our friends and family came in droves with gifts and blankets and food and help and support.  It was messy.  It was scary.  It was sad.  It was a hard season for me, as the home visiting nurse who had been involved since the beginning and had fought for her, prayed for her, begged God for her....and eventually told her we would help her by taking her little boy into our home.  It is needless to say, but Josiah never left.  Gotcha day was first a safety plan for a fragile baby and a broken
mama.....and she and I cried together that day....

I won't ever forget May 23 but maybe with time, I won't recongize it either.  For now, the pain is fresh and the gratitude and awe of the Lord is intense and little Josiah just keeps growing and growing and growing.  2 years today.  Can't imagine life without that little boy.


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