Mother's Day thoughts from wipes to tears to prayers......cuz that's how mama's roll.

Tonight we were out of wipes.  Not commercial wipes, but homemade wipes.  When we were expecting Claire 16 years ago, my fellow nurses threw me a baby shower.  A fellow nurse gave me homemade wipes with the recipe to continue.  For whatever reason, Roger really connected with the wipes-part of parenting.  Maybe because it involved an electric knife, and good-smelling oil and baby wash.....maybe because the tub of wipes seems to never end......but whatever the reason, we have embraced homemade wipes.....for 16 years.  The recipe is this:  cut a big role of Bounty paper towels (yes.  it has to be Bounty).  Place in a tupperware container that fits the half-roll.  Mix 2 cups distilled water with 2 tbsp baby oil and 2 tbsp Baby Magic baby wash.  Pour over the roll of paper towels and seal.  When you open it for the first time, remove the cardboard center of the roll and pull from the middle.   These wipes stay moist, don't smell bad and don't hurt babies bums because there is no alcohol.

Tonight I made my umpteen thousandth batch of wipes over 16 years....and the electric knife we use to cut the roll of Bounty fell apart.  We don't use our knife for anything else.....just wipes.  The knife is tired.  I can make these wipes in my sleep and when we are out, I would drive to Walmart at Midnight to buy supplies......because they are essential to our parenting home......and I many more batches will I make?  Josiah is 2 1/2 years old and should be potty-training but for now, his response is this:  "I'm a baby and I wear diapers.  I don't go potty on the toilet."  Ok buddy.  That's fine.  You are likely my last little one....and we will make you wipes for awhile yet.

The buzz of Mother's Day is upon us.  I ordered flowers for step-mom and mom-in-law and mama will be with me for the actual day.  I'm sure my kids will love on me a bit more on Sunday because it is obligatory for Mother's Day.

Tonight, I stepped outside into the springtime evening, as the sun went down.  My next door neighbor teen was out shooting hoops.  I called a greeting to her....and walked over.  Eye contact is powerful and piercing.  When our eyes met, I started to cry.  "hey, are you?"  It's Mother's Day.  She and her 3 younger siblings had a mama who was sick last year and she died.  They don't have a mama for Mother's Day.  Tears rolled down her cheeks and she wanted to look me in the eye but it hurt too much so we both looked at the sunset and cried.  I told her I am here for her if she ever wants to talk and she said "thanks".....and I said, "I wish I could bring her back for you" and she said, "yeah"......and she hurts so much.....


For tonight.  Lets consider and hurt for and lift up those children who are motherless today.  Some are motherless because of cancer or car accident or other death.  Some are motherless because of abandonment or foster placement.  Mother's Day is painful for those who are motherless.  I can't fix that or excuse it or explain it....but I can face it and know it exists.  That matters.  I can give it to the Lord because this is His deal.....not mine.  I cannot and will not pretend it isn't there.

Lord Jesus, please tend to the hearts of the Motherless.  Be their comfort, their security, their love, their purpose now more than ever.  Provide them with women who can fill those rolls for short and long term positions.....who know you and can be generous and kind and good for their mind, body and soul.  These are your children, Lord.....please care for them tonight.


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