There was wind.....

Luke tells of three distinct experiences. A violent wind filled the house: breath or wind is a symbol of the Spirit of God. Ezekiel 37 tells the story of the prophet's vision of a valley of dry bones which come together: when the 'breath' of God enters them, they come to life and stand on their feet. The Pentecost wind represents the power of God to bring life to the 'dry bones' of faith.

Tomorrow is Pentecost.  I am so not qualified to write about this significant event in our faith....but when I asked for an idea for a blog, my friend Jen suggested Pentecost.  Here goes.  The above paragraph is something I found on google to get me started....and so for the moment, I want to think about the wind.  The Wind of the Holy spirit......I have sat in my rather quiet and conservative church many sundays and prayed that God would send the wind of His spirit over us to shake things up, scare us a bit, declare His power and presence....and so far, He has remained quiet.  What would happen tomorrow if a violent wind would fill His house at 9:30am while we sat in our church seat?  It is my hope that I and my family and those around me would recognize the wind as the power of God and we would lean into it, cry out for more of it, celebrate and worship in the midst of it even!  But more likely everyone would freak out and assume it was from something that was not God.  Pentecost.  Shouldn't we believe that God will show up?  

If the valley of dry bones comes together (as in Ezekiel 37)....then that which is dead gets reformed, remade and given a fresh chance to stand and be something.  I see this as my church, frankly.  Our pastor is ready to retire.  He is tired and he deserves to finish well and then rest but the Lord has given him an intense passion to preach for this last year and to say all that God intends us to hear.....He is in his 60s and he stands before us now each sunday morning and he it what you want.  The man hears from God and speaks truth....and the dry bones are coming together so that the church may stand.  Pentecost.  

This pentecost, I also long and yearn and thirst for that wind of the Spirit to breathe fresh life in my faith, and that of my family.  I need that power, and that wind to blow in me and return me to the wonder and awe and reverence of my love for Jesus.  I need it for my family so that we don't constantly battle selfish gain and laziness and a lack of compassion.....and in this house, we need to turn to the Lord and seek His face and ask for His will.  Daily.  

Tomorrow the forcast is for rain.  I'm hoping it will also include wind so that we can remember the wind of the Spirit and Pentecost.  We are going shopping after church and lunch.  Some families would find this irreverant but for us, if its rainy, we can at least spend time as a family doing something together rather than everyone going to their separate room and ipad and televesion.....and we can get ready for the long summer ahead and buy some things we want and need.....It's a holiday weekend.  Today we worked and tomorrow we get to play and rest....and maybe Monday we can grill something and do the Memorial day parade and give homage to the veterans......

Tomorrow, though, lets give homage to the wind of the Holy Spirit and Pentecost, ok?


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