Twelve Drummers Drumming

 Well, I managed my own version of the 12 days of Christmas....imperfect as it was.  If I were to be factual I would have started December 25 and moved forward 12 days but that is not going to happen....culturally, it makes sense for all things to lead up to Christmas Day for me, as we prepare for and look to the birth of Jesus.  

So here we are on the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me....twelve drummers drumming....and the clock just passed 12:00 midnight so it is officially Christmas Day.  I'm up because my sweet Josiah has a nasty croupy cough and instead of waking us both up with coughing and misery I offered to take first shift.  You see....Roger has a Christmas Day brisket out on the smoker so he will be up anyway after 3am checking the meat temps for his low and slow he has second shift.  Hopefully Jojo can get some rest tonight.  He's had a rough few nights.  We are celebrating slower and later tomorrow with  our party at noon-ish.  Those drummers can just do some drumming for the day.   Oh.  about that.....


I don't know what could be more generous than being the creator of everything.....and creating mankind who would eventually forget about you.  Instead of just destroying the ungrateful wretches you make a beautiful story of redemption, rupture and that the humans you created could have a way to a happy ever after with you that is rooted in love.  You don't need the humans but because you are, by definition, Love, you choose to write the story and you give them the greatest gift you have.....and you make it easier to understand for us humans by sending Jesus as a baby born in a humble place in a season of crisis and discord....oh my...that could be today.  You give us the bible and you write the story and if we choose to be Christian it becomes our story and Christmas Day becomes our day to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus.  

When I am being obedient to the Lord I often experience some spiritual battle and adversity.  That has come up through this 12 days of writing about generosity.  Satan was not excited about my narrative...because it was unto the Lord and not about me or worldly things....and so I became aware of some warfare....and that's ok.  I've been on this path with the Lord for awhile now....and when this happens I know that I am doing the work He has called me to do and I am gaining ground for His Kingdom to advance and for the devil's schemes to fail....but there is often a price to pay for that and so I am just naming it to tame it and calling it out because it is what it is.....I've stirred things up in the heavenly realms both for good and for evil.  

So the 12 drummers are drumming on this 12th day of Christmas and I am beating the drum of generosity for Christmas 2021.....and I am looking forward expectantly and eagerly for all that God wants to do for us and through us in the new year.  

Bring. It. On. 


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