Seven Swans a Swimming

 They showed up tonight.  I heard the car doors and opened the garage.  I had a folding table ready.  I know this family.  They reach out every year and ask me if there is a family they can bless for Christmas.  I'm not sure how many years now but I'm guess it's close to a dozen if not more that they have asked and I have always said yes.  I choose one of my families who have already let me know that Christmas will be hard this year....I ask for the clothing sizes, the wants and needs, etc and give the list to my generous Christmas elf family (sometimes it's more than one family.....this year a couple of families asked and I got to match them up).   My friends go above and beyond the list given every's a family afair.  Their kids help shop and wrap and deliver the packages....the dad throws in meat.....and I get to smile and say thank you on behalf of the family who will receive this blessing in the morning.  They started this holiday gift-giving when their kids were little and now they are almost grown and tonight I am curious.  Will these beautiful young daughters decide to keep this tradition going into their adult Christmas holidays?  I hope I will get to know someday.  It makes me happy to believe they may choose to.  What a legacy these parents, my friends, have given to their give to some other family they never, ever meet ( year they met one of the families because it was just too fun not to make it happen).  

Unselfish, sacrificial, humble giving.  

Seven Swans a swimming.  This verse of the song represents the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit as referenced in Romans 12:6-8:  Prophesy, service, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership and mercy.  Children were taught that when you walk with God the gifts of the Spirit moved in your life as easily as a swan on the water.  

This reminds me....if you haven't ever read my favorite book of all time, add it to your book list for 2022.  It's called the Trumpet of the EB White.  You are welcome.  


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