Five Golden Rings

 In the Fall a friend told me she would be opening her home to someone who needed a safe place to stay for awhile.  I wasn't aware that this was something she did from time to time because in addition to being generous with her home, she is also humble and protective of the ones she shows hospitality to.   Months later I asked how things were going and she shared that she hoped the guest could stay awhile longer as they were really enjoying each other's company.   More recently she mentioned that this new friend had never experienced Christmas before.  I asked if I could try help make it a fun Christmas with gifts and she said she would really appreciate I threw a little request out into Facebook world to see if anyone wanted to help with a Christmas Blessing for a couple of local gals. 

Today I got to drop off some gifts, some food and a thick envelope of gift cards at the home of these two.  I wanted them to have it in time to do some shopping of their own if they choose to, and if they want to wait that's fine too.  

I know Christmas isn't about the presents under the tree or the sales in the stores or the amout of money we spend.....but it kind of is.....and it really can be if we choose to do it generously and with love in our hearts.  I woke up with a smile and a warm heart knowing I got to pack up their loot today and drive it over to their's the giving that is special.  It's not the stuff.  The parallel here is that Jesus coming to Earth as a baby is God's greatest gift to save us....because He loves us too much to let us destroy ourselves with our own selfishness and sin.  How ironic is this?!  

Jeremiah came home early afternoon and said, "mom, there was something on the front door step with your name on it....looks like you have a gift-giver!" and there were chocolates and a sweet note addressed to me.  I joyfully received my gift and enjoyed several of the delicious chocolate candies today.....and shared a few with my family as well.  I will always be a willing gift-receiver as well....but maybe that's for another post.  


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