Six Geese a-Laying

 My young friend that I once called "extra kredit" lives elsewhere now.  I spent some time with the family that have said yes to him last week and we talked about all of the things....because I understand things that are harder to say to most folks.  This family needed a safe space to say the things and to ask the questions and because of all of the generosity in the world, I had some answers.  It was good for me to be with them because it reminds me again to be on my knees in prayer for them, and for him....what was hard for me is still hard for them and for him even though it no longer is my hard.  

I got to deliver Christmas presents to them for him because a generous group chose to bless local kids in foster placement for the Holidays.  She let me choose the gifts because I had known him longer that she had at the time of the inquiry.  When I talk with her and visit her and pray for her and text her I want to hug her every single time but even though we share a child we are virtual strangers and so the only time I have hugged her is the day I took him to her home for good.  Isn't that strange?  I think it's strange.  

She asked me the other day about a relative that he was asking about.  I knew that this relative would be over the moon to know that there was a chance they could connect with this kiddo I made some tentative steps with no real promises because it's not up to me....and the relative said that it was the best Christmas gift ever to hope that there was a chance to be able to be involved in his life even just to give a Christmas present and know he was ok and I shared that with her and she was happy and I was happy. I told her she was incredibly generous to consider allowing some of his original people to be part of his future life and she said, well its only because of Christ in me, but then you already know that and I smiled and cried for just a little while because I truly, truly do know.  


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