Three French Hens

 Today's thoughts are about.....glitter.  I was wrapping gifts this morning.  Of all the things I needed to get done today, the one that was most time-sensitive and required privacy was the unboxing and wrapping of gifts.  I had purchased some really pretty paper along the way and took it out to wrap some gifts...and what was sparkly and pretty in the clear plastic wrap turned out to be....glitter.  The more I handled the paper the more glitter seemed to spread everywhere....generously.  And wouldn't you know that the first couple of boxes I tried to wrap didn't fit in the glitter wrapping paper?  It was really was 2 small sheets of paper that felt more like fabric than the over-handling of it made the glitter move even more.  There was glitter everywhere....on my hands, my clothes, my face, the table, the hair.....and as we all know you don't just wipe away glitter.

Isn't glitter generous?  A little goes such a long way!  It just moves and moves and gives and gives and it is sooooooooo noticeable!  I'm guessing that everywhere else I went today it was obvious that I sparkled and shined a bit and maybe made someone smile.....and notice the generosity of my glitter.  

A Christmas wish for me is that the Holy Spirit would also shine in me, and sparkle and glow and leave some glitter behind wherever I go....that Holy Spirit would be obvious when the glitter shows up....and that the world may know....


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