Eleven pipers piping....


The eleven pipers are said to represent the 11 faithful disciples.....meaning all of Jesus' disciples except Judas who betrayed him.  I think today, in honor of Christmas Eve I will make a list of my own 11 thoughts on generosity.   1.  One can be a gift-giver without being generous.  Generosity is a state of mind and a matter of the heart.  2.  To be generous is more than to be self-sacrificing.  3.  The world is desperately in need of more daily generous stories.  4.  Traditions are a form of generosity.  5.  Forgiveness is generous and costly but so rewarding.  6.  Yesterday I brought another carload of gifts from a giver to a receiver.  In one of the bags was a stuffed fox.  The mom told me she had decorated her child's room with a fox theme but had not been able to find very many fox toys.....so the person who shopped had definitely heard from God when she chose the fox as a gift.  7.  Today someone asked me to stop by for an envelope to share with another family for a Christmas blessing.  (I don't make this stuff up people....this is actually my life at Christmastime.)  8.  All of the people who I delivered Christmas blessings to are also generous with those in their spheres of influence.  I know this to be a fact.  9.  I found a couple of ways to be really generous with myself in 2021 that I will share here as a Christmas gift.  10.  A website called The Balanced Life.  It's online Pilates workouts and costs about $25/month but is beyond worth the price tag.  Positive messaging, quality strength and toning and stretching and mindfulness practices and so much grace to just do the best you can every day.  11.  A daily devotional app that offers a morning and evening meditation that you can just tap and it reads it to you and its soooo good....it's called:  Lectio 365.  

Merry Christmas!


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