Nine ladies dancing

 Thank you to everyone who thought of Jeremiah today.  Surgery went well and we are home!  When we got to the same day surgery center the nurse that got him ready turned to me.  "Are you Niki?" she asked?  She remembered me from 27 plus years ago when we both worked at that same hospital together shortly after we had both graduated.....craziness!  We marvelled at the fact that nursing had been very good to us, and that we had stuck with our chosen profession for so long and were still working in it....and she added that our education was also worthy of noting because it prepared us for longevity.  I'm so grateful for the preparation I received to be a nurse that would be able to do all that I have been honored to do all these years.  Community Health Nursing definitely has my heart. Prior to community health and more specifically maternal child health, I worked in Oncology, Med-Surg, Surgery, ER and OB.   I've done this work for over 20 years now, working with families and young children.....I cannot believe I am entrusted with the lives and stories and sacred spaces I am invited into....and allowed to teach and advocate and empower  families into the healthiest, most hopeful version possible.  It's such good work.  My employers are so so generous.  There is never a question when I need to take time away from work for family or health or personal mental's always yes and amen, what can we do to help?, what do you need?,  go and do what you have to do.....year after year after year.  Because of their generosity I will reward them with exceedingly more than they ask for every day.  That's how it works when your employers love and respect you and you do the same.  

I've been doing some elf work again.  Another friend reached out a couple weeks ago wanting to bless a family.  Her idea was to prepare a Christmas meal and possibly gifts and have her family bring it to this family on Christmas day as a way to spend her about sharing sacred space.  Because I understand sacred space I prayed about it a bit.  I was texting her about it and Josiah was talking to me at the same time so I apologized for texting while he was talking to me and explained what I was texting about.  He said I should match them up with this one certain family that I had also been thinking would be really cool to do......but I don't know this family well.  They are new friends to me and even though I know they have needs, I didn't know how they would react to me asking them if it would be ok for someone to bless them for Christmas.  All kinds of awkwardness.....but still.....the potential was so great for so much good.....

I let it sit a little while and prayed some more and the idea didn't go away and still seemed like a good one so I decided, what the heck.  I fired off a text and tried to explain to my new friend that I have another friend who is offering to bless a family for Christmas with gifts, a meal, etc.  Would she be interested?  if not that's fine!  and then I waited, hoping I didn't offend her.....

The next day I received a text back that brought me almost literally to my knees....yes.  They would very much appreciate help for Christmas for their children.  They didn't need anything for themselves, but if the people wanted to then gift cards would be helpful but being able to have gifts for their children this year would be amazing....and if santa could help find her husband a job she would really appreciate that too.....and maybe a dresser would be helpful because their home is small and there isn't a lot of space for the kids' clothes.  


What if I had let doubt talk me out of asking?

What if I had made assumptions?

What if I had not prayed?

What if I didn't have this generous and amazing job that allows me to network between those who have and those who need......and build bridges between the two?   

I don't exactly believe in santa claus but I do whole-heartedly believe in the Spirit of Christmas and am asking for a job for this daddy for Christmas this year.....and that this sweet family who has just recently moved to the area can begin to learn and love all that is good about what I know to be good and generous, especially at Christmastime.  


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