
This sweet baby.  Last year when this photo was taken, he was still in diapers and more baby than big boy.  This year, he is 3 going on 4 years old.  He is such a big boy now.  Tonight he didn't want to go to sleep.  Eventually he agreed to climb up on my lap and snuggle in.  He turned this way and that way.....and eventually we found a comfortable place on my lap for him to settle in......and he drifted off to sweet baby sleep. 

His legs almost reach down to my feet.  His head is up in my neck.  He is big now.  I love the little boy he is growing to be.  He is kind and sweet and silly.  At KinderMusik class this week, I got to see that he is also a leader and he is confident.  Even when other little boys were scared and sad he let me comfort them and gave me a thumbs up that  was fine.  Gosh I love him.  Gosh I'm proud of him.  He is growing to be the person God wants him to be.....and he is my last little boy. 

I don't want him to stay little forever.  I want him to grow.....but I am sad tonight because he almost doesn't fit into that soft special place on my lap anymore.  He has spent countless hours there.  His pudgy fingers and soft little toes are almost too big to stroke and squeeze as he falls asleep.  He is almost past this place where going to sleep is a team effort.  Oh sweet boy.  Thank you for giving me one more time to do this special kind of mothering.

We joke with other adults that I will turn 50 the year Josiah goes to kindergarten and Claire goes to college......we all laugh at the craziness of that.  I'm old enough to be his grandma but I am every bit his mother....aching for the last times coming for all of his baby self.  For tonight, I tucked him into bed just now and snuggled his favorite blanket next to him.  But first I held him on my lap and rocked for hours and enjoyed his soft little sweet self. 


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