Facing an adoptive mama fear.......

Oh this girl.....and her hair.  This was last year.....and she has already changed so much but this hair has not.  During the fall/winter/spring we do braids with extensions and that works well because she and I don't fight about it.  I don't try to spray it or condition it or style it....she doesn't try to run away.  Summer we let the hair go so that she can just be who she is without the hair issues.  I wish I could have it that way always but her hair doesn't cooperate......

In a few days, I have to face one of my worst fears.  We have an appointment at a hair salon in Sioux City to do her hair.  Professionally.  So far we have been able to use an African student at our local college but she has graduated and moved on and so I need to find another stylest.  You guys.....this is so scary for me. 

When we adopted Precious, we travelled to North Carolina to bring her home.  I was most afraid of the women in the hair salons there.  I didn't want them to judge me or berate me for taking a child home whose hair I did not have the skills for.  I figured that I was an educated woman, a seasoned mother and I would figure it out.  We are 7 years into this and I haven't figured out how to do her hair.  She has really, really, really hard hair.  She has a very sensitive head and doesn't want me to touch it or comb it or even spray a moisturizer into it without world war 3 happening.....and most days we have that war anyway over food and clothing and life.  You guys.  I am so, so scared of this salon owned by a black woman who braids hair.

What if she is disgusted by me and my lack of competence regarding my black daughter?  Worse yet....what if she is mean to Precious and makes it a painful, nightmare event to fix her hair?  What if we suffer through it and she charges me $200???????   I am committed to this appointment.  Tonight, Precious and I talked about it.  We decided it would be an adventure.  If it is aweful and she hurts her, I will stop the appointment and take her home.  I will be with her the whole time.  Oh my goodness.....this could seriously take up to 8 hours......breathe.  Breathe.  Breathe.  We are going on an adventure.  After her hair is done we will go shopping and out to eat and hopefully it will be a fun mom and daughter date......hopefully this woman is kind and gentle and compassionate and will be a blessing to us. 

Oh my word.  Can we just get past Saturday?  I was so excited when it was our familiar friend who is kind and gentle and steadfast and patient.  She has braided Precious' hair for 4 years, since she was just a toddler.  Now we are going to a real salon.  *something Precious has longed to do*......and I am scared out of my mind. 

Pray for a cure for cancer, an end to racism and human trafficking and all forms of abuse.  Don't necessarily pray for me and my fear of the black salon owner....but maybe, if you think of it Saturday around noon, think of me and smile a hopeful smile, ok?


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