anniversary thoughts

In a handful of days, Roger and I will celebrate our anniversary.  Our 20th wedding anniversary.  This, friends, is a big, big deal.  As a young girl, I didn't expect to marry or have children.  God planted a longing in my heart in my mid-20s to have a husband and children.....and so I began to pray.  My prayers were answered and on September 21, 1996, I became a wife. 

Often I heard that the first year of marriage was the hardest but we didn't experience that at all.  We had so much fun!  We worked hard, travelled, bought antiques and practical furniture.....we spoiled each other for Christmas and birthdays......

We were warned about a "7 year itch" where married people sometimes wander away from their vows and commitment to each other.  7 years into our marriage we had 3 children and needed each other desperately.....and loved the home and family we were creating......and didn't want to look else where or itch anything. 

Here we are at 20 years.  We are much older, rounder, lazier and more content.  We can accept each other as is, and shrug our shoulders at the flaws and smile and enjoy the strengths we share as husband and wife.  We hoped to go away for a long weekend this month but I don't think that is gonna work.  And that's ok.  If not this month than this winter....somewhere warm and relaxing.  after 20 years we deserve a few days to just sit and savor us. 

Young girls that are reading.......please read this.  If you pray and ask God to bring you a husband that He chooses, you can trust that this man will be a good, good man.  He will compliment you and balance you.....and help you become everything you are supposed to be......He will not act selfishly or cause you pain.  He will not.  If he does he is not from the Lord.  He will be for you.  Just as Jesus Himself is for you.  He will expect our best and be gentle when he sees less than that.  Gentle.  Not mean.  He will want to help you and bless you and make you happy.  If the man you think you want to marry cannot do these things....then he was not meant for you.

I am not worried about the next 20 years of marriage.  I hope to do a better job yet of loving my husband, making him happy, creating memories and sharing life.  I hope to help him be the best he can be and I fully expect him to do the same because he has proven himself worthy of that.

Happy Anniversary to me this week.  I am blessed beyond measure.


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