Come. Come and sit......

I took this photo at our Kredit Family Reunion last summer in Lyndon, Wa. at the bible camp that hosted our reunion.  There was a beautiful garden and path to walk and pray and enjoy.  On this day I was praying and walking.....praising God for the blessings and protection we had experienced, and asking for more of the same for the second half of the trip.  Those two chairs......were intentionally placed.  It is almost as if God set them there Himself and said something like this......

."Come.  come and sit with me awhile.  Enjoy the beauty of my created world and listen to the silence of the Earth.  Let me show you all of the wonderful things I have made and tell you secrets about each one.  The Father has secrets about every created thing....even you.  Come.  Come and sit with me awhile.  Hear the whisper of my Gospel in the wind and the birds and the sun.  See redemption in the plants.  Smell the beauty of the flowering things.  Taste and see.....that the Lord is good.  Come.  Come and sit with me awhile.  The journey is long and the path is take some moments here, with me, to sit and rest.  Be careful to follow the path.  There is a deep pond to the left and if you are not careful you could fall in.  There are woods to the right and if you are not attentive you could get lost.  Come.  Come and sit with me here while I show you both of the dangers along the path.....don't get lost.  Don't drown.  Keep track of your goals and my direction for you.....and don't get so busy that you stumble and fall into the deep, deep water and drown.......Come.  Come and sit with me here awhile.  Read a book.  Sing a song.  Say a prayer.  Receive a blessing.......and when you feel rested (not when the world summons you back to the path) but when you, my child, feel rested and filled back up, then you and I together will leave this place and journey on together.  I am always, always, always right beside you.  


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