Spoil me Sunday

Today Isaac and I had "spoil me Sunday".  If you are new to the blog, this is a date out with one of my kids on a Sunday.  We leave from church and go out for lunch at a place the child chooses and we shop.  We get whatever is on their needs list and a few of their wants too, because it is a spoil me day....for them as much as for me.  I get one on one time with each child separately, to focus on what they need, and more importantly who they are. 

Isaac needed church clothes and pants.  He has grown several inches since last winter and before the days get any colder he needed a shopping day.  While I understand that Sunday should be a day of rest, I must confess that taking one of my children out of town alone, and leaving the rest home with dad makes for a fairly relaxing Sunday for me.  Also, we do family and household projects on Saturdays and the week days are not an option with teens.  That leaves Sundays.  Sometimes we can talk about the church service and sermon as we drive out of town.  Sometimes we just listen to music.

I had planned to talk to Isaac about dating and how to behave on a date during this spoil me Sunday.  20 minutes out of town  he and I both realized that this conversation was silly because, well, he is just 14.  He won't date for 2 years yet and has no ideas about starting sooner.  Spoil me Sunday has so many perks.  We laughed.  We sang songs.  We joked around and we talked about some serious things, too.  We enjoyed time together, just my son and me.  It did cost me a bit.  Teenagers feel strongly about their wardrobe and the impression they portray.  Sweat pants from Scheels are expensive.  I am 17 years into this parenting thing and I can say this.  Don't have children, don't become a parent if you don't want to spend money.  Children cost money.  My teen son can go to school on cool days and to church on Sunday feeling like he has the right stuff to wear.  He does his own laundry.  He helps at home.  He is applying for jobs.  He is worthy.

He chose the Outback Steak House for his Spoil Me Sunday lunch date.  I watched him completely enjoy a sirloin done medium rare with mashed potatoes and broccoli......and cheese cake with raspberry sauce for dessert.  This guy will be fun to go on dates with.  He understands how to have a conversation even if his tendency is to be quiet and say less.  He has sensory issues that explain a lot about why he was so crabby as an infant.  Now he has words for them and I am learning the workings of his heart and soul and mind.....because I got to spend time with just him today. 

I love who Isaac is.  I love that he wanted to go out with me today for lunch and some light shopping.  I love that I am helping him become as a young man.......I love it as much as I loved rocking him to sleep, kissing his scraped knee, and reading him books. 

For now, I don't think he reads the blog so its safe to post this.  There is no where I would rather have been today, than with my Isaac having lunch and shopping and connecting today.  Thank you, Lord, for this special time.  Please give me the time and provision to continue to offer this to each member of my family in their due time.

Next weekend its Roger's turn.  (smiles).


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