Ride the waves.....

There are days, weeks, months, even seasons, where we have nothing more but to ride the waves.  There are sometimes factors that are beyond our control.  Issues that transcend our influence.  Experiences we are involved in but only as we move along.....and these are the times we are called to ride the waves. 
One of my children is having this experience today.  Feeling helpless, frustrated and overwhelmed....and there are no answers or counsel or rescue.....all I could do was to tell this child in not so many words.....to ride the waves.  This child doesn't know that it will work.  That on the other end of the moving will be rest....and resolution.....but it will come.....after a ride on the waves.  The waves do what they do, right?  They do what they must.....they roll in over and over and over....and at a certain time of day they roll back out again....with or without a human on a surf board.  If we choose to climb upon a surf board and ride the wave.....we are at its mercy.  We agree or we fight it.  The choice is ours alone.  Ride the wave or get out of the water. 
Once upon a time, God shared with me that I swim in deep water.  I think I understand that a bit tonight.  I don't really like to ride the waves.  I would rather slide off the surf board and just hang out in the deep waters.....that doesn't help my kiddo tonight.  This child has to learn to ride the waves....and its hard to be a mom and stand on the shore and just watch. 


  1. I have a 13 year old in this same stage of life... It's so hard being a parent when we see them struggle!


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