When sin meets Easter

Today was wonderful.  I got up early to make sure the teen dancers were set to go.  I took down bananas and fixed a "sock bun".  If you are a dance mom, you know what that is.  They left and it was 5:30.  I could have gone back to bed.....but I decided to make my rolls for church.  After sunrise service, our church serves a lovely breakfast of egg bake, fruit and sweet breads......after I finished the cinamon rolls, I decided to make my cheesy potatoes for dinner with family.....and then it was time to shower and head to sunrise service.  Roger stayed home for the first year ever and I went to early sunrise service for the first year ever.  That, people, is a sign I am getting more sleep here.

Sunrise service was done by our church youth group.  They did so great.  At the end, just before the dance troup performed, there was a testimony time and Claire was asked to share.  The person who shared before Claire took a long time to share her answer as to when there was a time that she felt "dead" in the world and Jesus made her feel alive again.  I mean......she took a really.  long.  time.  And lots and lots of examples.  Sin met Easter for me there.  I was frustrated and I was impatient and I became inattentive to her words......because my kid needed to share next and then get lined up to perfor the Easter dance....and was nervous.......the sin in me grew.  I was growling on the inside......sitting in church on Easter Sunday.....preparing to sing praise and adoration to my Savior.  Yuck.  Yuck.  Yuck.  I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate the sin in me.

After the awesome sunrise service, I snarfed down some breakfast and then drove home to get the rest of the family.  We are a one-care fam right now.  (Don't ask)  (Sin)   (Adversity) (Not enough money and cars that are old)  (Oh yeah......you didn't ask).

I got home and Precious and Joe werre not  yet dressed for church.  nor had Roger showered.  I got snarky.  And bossy.  And mad.  Sin met Easter.  AGAIN.  and its 9am.

We had church, we went to my mom and Rick's for a glorious dinner, we soaked in the sun and enjoyed family.....we came home in a food coma and napped with little kids and its all good. Yet.  Sin meets Easter.  All the time.

I've been trying to sit and relax for hours and hours and every time I do, tonight, someone needs something or whines or falls apart and just a bit ago, I had a bit of an Easter tantrum and it even involved a curse word or two.  Sin meets Easter.  again.  I don't want to be the mom who raises her hands in worship and adoration to the Savior and then becomes a wicked beast at home but sometimes that happens.  Sin meets Easter.

Because sin meets Easter.....I know that I know that I know that Jesus dying on the cross matters now more than ever.  I need that grace and forgiveness today.  And tonight.  And tomorrow.  I need it every day.  Sin doesn't celebrate Easter.  It wars against it.  Jesus.....defeated.....sin.....on.....that.....cross....so.....long.....ago.  For me.  For my every day as well as my Easter flaws.  Satan can make me feel bad about myself all the time.....but my Jesus redeemed me.  With Easter.


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