What God can do after Easter Sunday is over.....

I have this thought I wish to share.  I hope I can do it.  It's 10:04pm......I'll sure try.   if not, there's always "delete".

Today, Claire came home from soccer practice freezing cold, hungry and tired.  "Mom, that symphony concert is tonight".  I had told her I would go with her (thinking it was Friday night) becuase it was an assignment for school.  Big sigh.....rub my eyes in the kitchen......with supper on the stove.  I had already prepared meals for 2 other families and taxi-ed kids for over an hour....and I just really wanted to sit and watch The Voice and snuggle in after a cold, drizzly day of working out in public health.

We went to the concert.  We picked up her friend Zoe and went to hear a night of Tchaikovsky......and it was beautiful.  Most of the symphony performers were either students or teachers but the talent was unprecedented.  Most of the audience was elderly couples who were stately and attractive.  They served truffles and coffee at intermission.  Claire and Zoe took notes furiously, so that they would get good grades for the assignment.  I watched and I listened and I took deep breaths.  I nodded my  head to the beat and I tried to hear all of the seperate components as well as the blended song......

Then I saw this......

God is our orchestra conducter.  He knows all the parts and how they should sound.  He has the full script in front of him as he watches the musical pages as well as the musicians.  With his wand, he directs the pace and keeps our attention.....and if we are watching, if we are keeping pace with His lead......beautiful music happens.  If not, its a mess and it's not the fullness of its potential.  Our Great Conductor has a masterpiece to teach us......and He has equipped each of us with the talent and the instrument and the outfit.......but we have to keep our eyes fixed on Him to produce the music.

Hebrews 12:2 is my life verse and it resonated with me afresh tonight.  "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning the shame, to sit at the right hand of the throne of God."  and how fitting, really, on the tail end of Easter. God in his omnipotent wisdom gives me a fresh vision of a symphony......moving forward....with the Living Lord Jesus.

Heavenly Father, Lord of my Life, Author of my story......lets make some music together.  


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