
Gosh.  There are so many ways to help people.....more than a person can fit in in a day, really.

There is hosting an international student, and having a friend over to play when you really want to do some Trust-basted relational intervention strategies on her....and the aching and hoping it makes a difference for her and her family.  There is preparing a meal for the worship director, or the co-worker with sick children......there is helping a young mama prepare her talk for MOPS.  There is meeting for lunch with a young woman who longs to be mentored....

There is attending webinars on human trafficking and conferences on providing first aid for mentally ill youth.....and prenatal teaching and offering parenting support.  There is driving kids from soccer to dance and stopping at Subway to feed them.  There is dishes and laundry and vacuuming and cooking and bathing and kissing and praying......

There is being present.  And planning ahead.  There is reflecting and remembering......there is inviting mom over for a late night dinner provided by her brother, who is healthy again and wants to bless my family with a meal each week.  There are so, so many ways to help people. 

There is letting the hubby doze in his chair when he really needs to go to bed, because he is comfy.  That's helpful, right?  There is making sure the soccer gear is washed and ready for the next game.....and that we have time to shop for the dinner these freshman need to prepare for a fund-raiser on Friday.  There are so many ways to help people....helping the dance teacher by agreeing to bring treats next week, and helping the teachers by loaning them a xylophone (painless really, just something to keep track of)......helping my school kids by stopping at each school to add money to their lunch balance, and washing dishes once a month.   Helping Precious to regulate hour after hour after hour.  Helping Josiah to find his yogurt covered raisins for a bedtime snack.  Helping Isaac to be tender with Precious.  Helping Claire to choose wardrobe for her summer job.  Helping Jeremiah find the right essential oils for whatever pain or stress he feels.....helping. 

Helping Jedi to have a snack by keeping Lexi , the monster,  away from the food bowl.  Helping Lexi to cope by taking her for a walk today.....helping the pathetic gold fish who lives next to my kitchen sink to live by feeding it every few days......he's been here for several years and his will to live is commendable. 



There are so many ways to help me do life......I'm thinking of hiring a cleaning woman for a few hours a week.....and adding some daycare hours so that I can make sure I exercise regularly.  I scheduled a massage for next week.....its been awhile and I really need a monthly appointment to stay well.  Maybe I can commit to that as I bring in my next birthday and year.....a monthly massage and help cleaning my house.  I can afford both if I just work a bit more every week, I think.  I am really good at finding ways to help others but more and more I realize that I need to help myself a bit, too.  Maybe 2015 will be the year of help.  Stay tuned.


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