pennies, anyone?

Remember my friend Sarah and the ministry of Sarah's Covenant Homes?  I haven't written much about it lately.....partly because I was nursing some pain over not being able to adopt one of her kids.....and I would love to be planning another trip to India soon....and hope to do so.....but until then, know this.

Sarah's Covenant Homes needs help.  For now, they cannot post photos and videos of the kids because the government of India says no.....and she has sent out a distress sound because funding is slipping.....and bills aren't getting paid.....for these children.  guys.  That's just not ok.  How is it that we can have bleeding hearts for a child when we see a photo of how desperate they are, or how cute they are.....but without that photo we can turn away and not help.  These kids......they have no one if they don't have us.  They have been denied and rejected over and over.....and their needs are greater than those of the children in my home and me.

Sarah's Covenant Homes takes children that God created, and God loves......and I know that I know that I know that He intends for His church to care for them.  It's hard.  I know.  We all have bills, and needs and such.  I know.  but.......there are the pennies.....

Would you consider putting your pennies in a jar or box or baggie for me?  Let me know when you have a container full and I will come and pick it up and change it out at the bank and send it to India.  I will.....(busy as I am) because Sarah matters to me....and her kids matter to Jesus.  We, in the US, seem to not need pennies any more....they seem please, just collect them.  God will use them.  He uses people that the world considers insignificant, too.  He does.  Over and over again.
Today I cleaned my house a bit and picked up and vacuumed.  I found over $.50 just laying in the carpet in small change.  That is going in a jar for SCH and hopefully, I can blow the shofar here on my blog and it will send a message further....gather your pennies.....what you do not need....what you find in the laundry, under the couch cushions, in the car and around the house.....and set them aside and call me.  I will get them to SCH.....on my honor.  I love this ministry so much.....oh I wish I could do bigger things....but for now.....I will ask for pennies....

And God can make pennies into loaves and fishes.....because He is God.


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