My house is quiet in an eerie way.  Earlier, there were about a dozen kids clamoring about.  I was working but stopped home for a bit.  My mom was doing her magic in organized chaos with pockets of playful children, rambunctious dogs and lots of dishes and laundry to deal with.  I left in the middle of the "storm" of activity to go back to work and do a couple more home visits.  Now, just hours later, the house is still.  Dogs are exhausted and napping.  Precious is resting.....Josiah is having a late afternoon nap....oh wait....I think he is waking up.  And dinner is in the oven.

Ssshhhhh.  We are done with sippy cups here.  They all went into the garbage today.  After 2 nights of little Joe waking me up throughout the night asking for milk......we are taking away the sippies.  Again.  I will offer him a drink of water, I will hold him all night long, but we are no longer filling up sippies in the night and taking them to bed.  Oh boy, he's not so happy.

And its no longer so quiet here.  I did enjoy those two heartbeats of silence.  They were lovely.


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