summer plans

Are you making plans for summer?  It's that time of year for us.  Today was the deadline for summer rec applications, school physicals for fall, etc.  We are now down to about 6 weeks left of school and then a 3 month summer break for kids.....and sort of for me as well.  I can cease to be hyper-vigilant about checking emails and schedules regarding assignments and homework and tests and concerts and games.....As we wrap up the end of this school year we are trying to find Claire a job.  Well.  I am trying to find her a job.  She's not trying too hard and has a large list of jobs she doesn't want to do this summer.....

One topic of discussion that is increasing in frequency is that of our summer vacation.  For the past 2 years, we have gone to a lake in Minnesota for a week with my family and it was really relaxing and edifying to my soul.  It's not gonna work out to do that vacation this year.  We are doing something in... 180 degree turn different.  We are planning a road trip out west.  Yes.  Road trip.  The Kredit Reunion, which has been happening every 3 years for likely 3 decades, is scheduled to take place in Linden, Washington mid-July.  We have registered to attend with the 7 of us.  We are dreaming of stopping at Yellowstone Park, of sight-seeing, of going down the coast to see sister Lois in northern Cali after the will be one of those trip-of-a-lifetime trips.  I need to take lots of photos, for sure.

Here is the raw truth of this plan.  I don't have alot of banked happy points for a road trip.  Meaning, over the course of my 47-ish years on this Earth......not many memories include happy times in the car.  When I was a child we did not take happy road trips as a family (unlike my husband who is absolutely thrilled with this vacation plan).  I have alot of work to do on me before I can pack up our broken-down SUV and head west for 2 weeks with 5 children and a husband who gets sleepy when he drives.  Oh.  and then there is the discussion about camping in a pop-up camper vs. hotel lodging as we travel.

This sounds sarcastic because of my dysfunctional personality.....not because any of it is a bad idea.  That is my point.  This can be an awesome trip, a memorable event for my sweet family.....if I can just do the hard work of setting aside my own issues and being the wife and mom they deserve.....

So we are planning for summer.  Hopefully there will be lots of lazy days by the pool, and baseball games, and walks in the evening with our dogs.  Hopefully we will eat lots of fresh fruit and grill most of our meals and feel bronzy and healthy.....and about mid-way through summer, we will all pack up to head out on a family vacation adventure with a mom who is optomistic, patient, tolerant, relaxed and prepared.......

Ideas?  anyone?


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