the pennies for the wishing well....

several sweet friends presented me with a coin jar in the last 2 days, as a birthday gift.....for my friends at Sarah's Covenant Homes.  I find myself getting tight in the throat with emotion when I greet a friend who has a jar.....and a smile....because I know that they know that this matters.  Pennies.  Virtuously nothing in the economy of the day....and yet so, so much when we consider the widow's mite, and how Elijah helped the jars of oil to never run dry for the widow and her son.....and the loaves and the fishes.  God can do so much with so little.....but we have to present the little.  It's part of the obedience of it.  So.


This is not about me.

This is about the children of God who are forgotten, stepped over, cast aside (like pennies on the road)......and the ministry who gathers them up, who elevates them to princes and princesses, and gives them food and fun and clothing and education and love.....and more love.....and the most love.....and this ministry, Sarah's Covenant Homes, can do this......with.  our....pennies.

Sometimes, we happen upon a wishing well in a city park, and the fountain is moving water and the sculptures are beautiful and inspiring and there are benches to sit and contemplate life....and there is a wishing well for pennies.  Hundreds of thousands of people dig for pennies in their wallets and pockets and purses.  They close their eyes and make a wish and toss the coin in.  I propose this.  Let SCH be that wishing well.  Instead of wishes, offer a prayer.  Any prayer.  Drop your penny in a spaghetti jar or a pickle jar or a plastic bag or an ice cream bucket.....and do this over and over and over....pray and wish and pray and wish.....everytime you find a penny!  Then gather those pennies up and bring them to me.....or to my bank.

I think I'll just set up an account locally and folks could just drive through with there wishes and prayers and say, "here's my jar or baggie for Sarah's Covenant Homes" and the deposit would be made....and monthly......weekly.....daily.....a child without eyes will get to do finger paints in pre-school, and a boy without a family will get to go to the zoo....and food will be served.....and medical needs will be met......with hundreds of thousands of pennies.

I may be naive....and idealistic....but I'm not stupid.  This could work.


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