'Twas the night before Christmas....oh Holy Night

'Twas 14 minutes til Christmas and all through this house....only the dogs were stirring and hopefully no mouse.  The stockings wait to be hung with care until I know Josiah is asleep because there is a missing tooth brush....and some gift cards.....and I think they are in my bedroom where Roger is trying to get the over-stimulated toddler to sleep.....

The dogs were cooped up too long without human contact while we went to candle light church service and then to nana and papa for dinner and gifts......so they are really, really wild now.  I think they are waiting up for santa claus.....and should I tell them he isn't coming.....or not?  They just went out the dog door to check.....

Precious went down to sleep with the big kids.  They tried to take josiah as well but he wasn't having any part of that tonight.....too much holiday hullabaloo....he wants familiar and comforting (aka my bed).

Oh.....if I only knew he was sleeping....I could hunt up that toothbrush and those gift cards, stuff the stockings and call it a night.  But no.  It is Christmas Eve......the kids will be up early and want to begin the day of celebrating.......so tradition says I must be ready.

In the past 15 years I have seen this 11th hour many times......on Christmas Eve.....so that Christmas day can be the best I can do.  It's never perfect.  But its always wonderful.  I can't give my kids grand vacations or top of the line retail.....but I can give them Christmas.  I learned from my parents.....Christmas matters.  

Santa sometimes looks like a home makeover blessing.....or an adoption finalization.....or an unexpected bonus that gives us a lavish spending spree.....santa sometimes looks like generosity among friends that allows those who have to bless those with less......and for some, the gift of the promise of a baby, whether by birth or adoption......and over the years I have seen all of these faces of santa.....and once or twice when I was way to old to "believe"......I actually secretly hoped that raindeer would land on the roof and a rolly polly dude in a red suit would show up and give me my all of my heart's desires......

And here I am....11:55....knowing that Christmas is only what Jesus allows us to see, and what He chooses to make it.  This is His birthday.  He gets to plan the party, whether grand or quiet, lavish or humble.....its his day.

Merry Christmas everyone.  I choose to believe that this is a Holy Night.....and the stars are  brightly shining... and even if Santa never appears, the Lord does, every year at Christmas....and my soul feels its worth.


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