Looking back.....

Last year, at this very time, we were in South Dakota with Roger's parents to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.  60 years......lets just pause a minute and absorb that.  60 years.  Together, as a married couple, they saw the evolution of computers and cell phones and internet and much, much more.  I read in a nursing journal today that the new average life expectancy in America for men is age 76 and for women is age 81.  My in-laws are 82 and 84 (I think) in this photo.  After a holiday celebration with their family and friends they headed to Arizona for the next 4 months to turn back time and came back to us in the spring younger and fresher than when they left.  I am so very grateful for the Lord's perfect matching in them....because they built a quiet and humble and responsible life, raising four beautiful children and contributing much to the world.  They are an example to me, of a marriage built on generosity and not selfishness, of putting the other first.  They are an example of the joy of having friends and extended family to do life with, to play cards and eat waffles with...and they are an example of how to raise children who will grow to be wonderful, responsible, God-loving adults.  It is an honor to be allowed into this family.    

After this anniversary celebration, we drove home on a cold December sunday evening to the biggest suprise of our lives.  Our village, our community of friends and family had stormed our house and cleaned and organized and redecorated....and made a bedroom for sweet baby Joe so that he could have his own place in the world.  We went the next morning to court, to finalize his adoption.....and celebrated Christmas 2013 as a family of 7 with more love and support and generosity than I knew could exist.  This year, it is quieter.....we are sticking close to home and enjoying each other.  I miss Grandpa and Grandma Kredit and the rest of Roger's family this year.  It was so wonderful to be with them last year for such momentous life events.  I am grateful for the village we have here, and the love we give and receive from the friends and family we see every day.  I can't capture that in a photo....but it is significant.   Christmas is definitely first about Jesus and how He came to save us....but the ripple effect of that looks like this photo, and like generous friends who bless needy families....and gratitude....and awe.


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