a fun day

Today was "mental health day".  Several times a year, I find a magical day that I can get by without working or doing house work.....and just take care of me.  Self Care.  It is a beautiful thing.  A local college student had asked if I could take her to the airport for Christmas break.....and I decided to shop a bit before christmas after driving her there.  I invited Jeremiah to join me because he had a few things yet to buy.....and he loves shopping and buying and having stuff.  He's the middle child....he needs a bit more one on one time.  Plus....he is grateful and he is easy!

My mental health day was threatened by a sudden lack of daycare due to viral illness from my sitters child.  My mom and my hubby stepped up for me.  Thank you....thank you.  I got to go to exercise class, get my nails done, shower....and go shopping today!  I feel much, much better inside and out.

Mental health day matters.  It helps combat any form of mental illness to take care of mind, body and spirit....and it just feels good.  Tomorrow I need to try to do work and kids and household stuff...and keep the ball rolling with all of the holiday stuff our kiddos are involved in....so its great that I had mental health day today!

Josiah took a 3 hour nap today at 4:30pm.  Good grief.  He's still up and its almost 11pm.  Argh.    


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