Why a new blog?

Welcome to a new season.....change is good, people.  Make your adjustments and lets all move forward.  I am doing the same.  Why change?

When I started the blog:  answertomyprayers.blogspot.com, we were starting our journey to adopt for the first time.  It was six years ago.  Now, we are a family of 7 with 3 bio kids, 2 adopted kids and 2 parents.  I'm different now.  I started with our family and a few close friends checking the blog for adoption updates and now people I barely know read the blog regularly.....and it is hard to write from the heart and keep it all straight, regarding who is reading and what they will think.....

It was time for a fresh start and a new focus.  In my heart, I have readily established that God answers my prayers.  My new prayer, and voice, will be to make sure that I focus everything on God's glory and not my own....because I really have quite an amazing life.  It would be easy to just boast in that and joke about that and celebrate all of the blessings I have.  Today.....the sermon talked about being blessed to be a blessing.

That is my hope from this first post and moving forward....that what I write here may be a blessing to whoever decides to read it.  If you followed me before you know that I am raw and honest and not always full of warm fuzzies.....but I will attempt to always bring the glory back to Jesus and not anything I do in or of this world.

I will miss answertomyprayers.blogspot.com.  It served me well and hopefully I can send it to print and review it, privately, whenever I want to.  It is the story of the adding of Precious and Josiah to our family....but now that they are here.....I can tell the stories of my days with the truth that He becomes greater when I become less.

Josiah often sings when we are changing diapers.  His favorite song is Jesus Loves Me...this I Know.  For the Bible tells me so.  Little ones to Him belong.  They are weak but He is strong.....yes, Jesus loves me!  Yes, Jesus loves me.  Yes, Jesus loves me!  The bible tells me so.

We are weak but Jesus is strong.  We are less but He is greater.....


  1. So excited to be your first comment on your new blog! You are an amazing writer, an amazing mom, and amazing sister, and an amazing daughter of Zion. Your words are a blessing to so many, and I'm blessed to call you friend. You make me a better me! Love ya!


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