I see Joy.....
The stockings are hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.....the children are nestled all snug in their beds (well, not Josiah. He's here with me asking me to snuggle him. Precious has visions of sugar plums dancing in her head but in our bed, not hers.....etc.) The classic poem of Twas the night before Christmas is awesome but we all know its not real.....kids don't actually sleep all snug in their beds! Nor do Roger and I wear kerchief and cap.....but you get the point. Why do we hang stockings if St. Nick isn't gonna squeeze down our chimney? Tradition. When I see this photo it is a clear affirmation to me that the Lord has a plan and it is always for my good. 2 of these stockings were hand-me-downs from my mom when we got married. My family has always been big on stocking stuffers. In our first house we didn't have a fire place but I hung those 2 stockings somewhere and on Christmas morning they were full of treats and treasures.....When our first 3 kids were all here I invested in 3 more stockings and some stocking holders....5 of them. Yes. 5. I spent alot on Christmas that year.....and the word JOY was clear. God knew that eventually there would be 5 children who would bring me joy. I would hang their Christmas stockings every year and fill them with treats and treasures every Christmas morning.....
This season brings me joy. Joy is hard fruit for me. I'm more likely to be crabby or rushed or momentarily happy but it takes effort to really notice the moments of joy. I am finding them, with the help of the Lord......and as He grows His fruit in me, I will have more joy to share with others. Helping people give gifts to other people brings me so much joy. I love being the elf who gets to connect deserving families with generous gift-givers. Watching Precious perform in her Christmas pageant last night brings me joy. Having my husband find the power cord to my elyptical machine after it has been missing for months and months.....gives me great joy. I want to get in better shape and be healthier.....exercise actually brings me joy as well. It's about 10 days until Christmas. My children asked for very little but they are having a blast being gift-givers to friends and strangers.....and that, too, brings me joy. 
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