Imagine the snapshot.....

There was a perfect moment today that I hope I don't forget.  All of our children were in the family room, sitting on the floor and lounging on chairs.  They were putting together the train track for Josiah and talking and working together and even the dogs were milling about and part of the action and the lights on the tree were sparkling and the candles were glowing and smelling wonderful......

I could almost forget the dozen times I snapped or snarled at someone today, and the millionth time I bent down to pick something up off the floor.....or the hours spent in the kitchen over holiday food....etc.  Being the mom at Christmas is hard work.  The shopping and wrapping and planning and cooking and pleasing and cleaning and hoping and praying and purposing it to be a meaningful as I reflect on this Christmas day, 2014.....there is much I feel bad about.  I'm not a very patient mom.....and when someone starts to fall apart I tend to follow them.....but I do try my best.  My effort gave me the reward today when I looked into my family room and saw my people there, all part of something sweet and simple and good.....

We didn't do a Christmas card this year, but if we had, I would have wanted it to be the photo of all of the kids and puppies sitting around the partially assembled train track with dad snoozing in his recliner and the Christmas tree lit up.  Somehow, I would be in the picture too, standing in the doorway with a dish cloth in my hand, my Dressember skirt and new Christmas slippers on and a contented smile on my face.  That's what I want my Christmas 2014 photo to look like.

We didn't do a Christmas letter this year, but if we had, I would have wanted it to say something like this:

Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope you have found the peace and joy of Jesus in this holiday and that as you look to the new year, you are fixing your eyes upon Him.  I found peace and joy in worship and rest and the love of family this year, and I am believing that 2015 holds more of God's plan for our family.  It is hard to pray and ask for God's Will to be done in my life because His Will is not very easy or comfortable....but it is good and right and gains me deep and abiding connection with the Lord.  I hope I dare pray and ask for God's plan for me in 2015....and that I don't choose not to, out of selfishness.  Or complacency.  Or the fear of man.  Or shallow worldliness.  I Hope I can be bold and brave in 2015 and I hope that for all of you as well!


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