the holidays

We are at the end of the 2014 Christmas holiday.  It was awesome....concerts and programs and parties and presents....lots of time with family and lots of good food.  We are so blessed.  The family we did not see blessed us with cards and gifts by mail....and we cannot match all that we have received.  We cannot pay-back or re-gift.  We can just receive and say thank you......and know that sometime soon it can be our turn to give.

More than the gifts, I hope my family understands the investment in family and in spiritual growth.....and for know that Jesus trusts me with this much is overwhelming.

I have a few days left of Dressember.  I'm ready to be done and wear pants again in the winter.  I will continue to know that girls are trapped in human trafficking....and will do what I can to fight that, long after I stop wearing dresses.  My heart is always with Sarah's Covenant Homes of India....and yesterday they took in twin newborn girls....who need medical care and I will pray.  The kids gave money this year to Liberia, and the construction of a new school for the kids in the One Body One Hope community.....there are so many good places to share....

The holiday season is about done.  For the first time ever, I'm excited to pack away all the Christmas stuff....I want to clean the carpets and furniture, and put away things and feel organized.....but all those charities still need our money and prayer so hopefully even once Christmas is past we can continue to feel generous to those in need.

Next week we celebrate new years....and then its January with lots of snow and a long winter.....and then February with Valentines day....and our March is totally crazy with swim meets and ball tournaments(and Isaac's birthday)  and a dance event....and then in April we start soccer...and have some birthdays....and then spring turns to summer and in summer we take our next collective deep breath.

It's January 27.  Lets all just take a deep breath, shall we?  Take a second one.  Reach for a glass and take a drink.  Breathe......Breathe a sigh.  Take a moment. Give praise......or ask for help...or both.  He is always here and willing to  receive whatever we give Him.  Jesus cares about what happens in our days.....


Christmas is done.  New years is coming....and we are grateful.  


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