
We don't take pictures of blankets.  Isn't that interesting?  Curious, for sure.  I've been scrolling through my photos, looking for a pic of a blanket to put with these words....and it is kind of ironic because we just don't take pictures of blankets.  The children's blankets all have a very sweet story.

I crawled into our big family bed a bit ago and had to move 2 of Josiah's blankets from my spot.  Precious is breathing quietly beside me with her stinky pinky blanket under her face....and Josiah is laying beside her with his green blankie wrapped around his middle.  Blankets matter.  I still have the one favorite blanket from each of the three older kids when they finally decided they didn't want to have it at night.(....I refused to let them throw the blanket away.  I will keep them forever.)

Blankets, with children, symbolize security, nurture, comfort.   They matter.  My older kids don't have theirs now but they all have a soft, comfy one, or more, on their bed that they chose....that is more age-appropriate.  (their decision, not mine.  I would let them sleep with their blankies forever).  We, too, have a variety of blankets around the house.  Heavy ones, light ones, weighted ones, ones with words that help us remember vacations or events.....

My grandma crocheted blankets and I have one for each of my children.  Somewhere, tucked up high and safe, I have a heavy quilt made by my own great-grandma.  Downstairs there is a closet where I shove things I don't know what to do with.  If you open the will find a wall of blankets of various colors and sizes.....

I would love to share them.  More blankets than we will ever need.....

There are foster kids all over this country that do not have a special blankie to drag around with them because they bounce around too much.....there are orphans around the world that have no idea that a blanket could make them feel safe, loved, content.  There are homeless people shivering in the cold in cities everywhere, trying to sleep in uncomfortable places.....without even ONE BLANKET......and here I am buried under more than I can even handle.....literally and metaphorically.

We who have blankets MUST take note of those who do not.  We MUST decide that it matters.  We MUST so something.  Anything.  Buy a blanket for someone....donate extra blankets piled up in the closet under the stairs.  Tell our kids that they are blessed to have blankets that they love.

Just in case the metaphor isn't obvious.....our "blankets" are actual blankets.....and any other blessing we savor.  Just so you know.  


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